I previously posted on Wisconsin Doctors ratings and now an outfit called Medical Justice Services, a company that seemingly helps doctors fight medical malpractice claims, has launched a program allegedly aimed a protecting against "online defamation." Perhaps, this outfit has forgotten that if true defamation takes place, doctors have a remedy, it's called the civil justice system. Apparently, the outfit now sells doctors a contract form that doctors can require patients to sign, which forces a patient to notify the doctor of a grievance before going online to post a complaint. What's next? Forcing a patient to notify the doctor of a grievance before complaining to a neighbor or talking to a lawyer.
Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer
Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007
Jumat, 17 Agustus 2007
Insurance Companies again
Ex-Insurance Company Commissioner, Herb Denenberg, writes in his August 01, 2007 column, his opinion that Allstate Insurance Company has plead guilty to a six-count indictment alleging it is the leading insurer when it comes to anti-consumer insurance practices.
I wrote before on how CNN exposed Allstate and I've never been a fan of Allstate. I wrote too about how Sentry Insurance sued an 81-year-old woman for failing to shovel snow, State Farm, Nationwide, Allstate and USAA being accused of trying to take advantage of Katrina Hurricane victims, and about American Family Insurance. Personally, and this is strictly opinion, I think too that Progressive Insurance has become overly aggressive in fighting legitimate claims. Whatever the case, whether it's Allstate, American Family, Nationwide, Progressive, Sentry, USAA, or another insurance company, this is all consistent with my long held opinion about what insurance companies want:
~ Your premiums but not your claims
~ You not to file lawsuits against them that are valid
~ Voters to think they constantly fight bogus lawsuits
~ Everyone to hate lawyers so they never hire one to get justice
~ People to feel guilty for making legitimate claims
~ You to have guilt so you tell your attorney "I'm not the kind of person who files a lawsuit"
~ Jurors to think a person who files a lawsuit is a sham or dishonest
~ Juries minds made up before evidence is heard
~ Your legal rights minimized or removed
~ Their legal rights maximized and preserved
~ Wrongdoing on their part to go unchecked
~ People to feel juries give money away in a lottery jackpot justice system
~ Verdicts for damages to be far less then what is fair
~ Caps on damages to minimize how much justice a person can get
~ And judges who will avoid holding them accountable
Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney
I wrote before on how CNN exposed Allstate and I've never been a fan of Allstate. I wrote too about how Sentry Insurance sued an 81-year-old woman for failing to shovel snow, State Farm, Nationwide, Allstate and USAA being accused of trying to take advantage of Katrina Hurricane victims, and about American Family Insurance. Personally, and this is strictly opinion, I think too that Progressive Insurance has become overly aggressive in fighting legitimate claims. Whatever the case, whether it's Allstate, American Family, Nationwide, Progressive, Sentry, USAA, or another insurance company, this is all consistent with my long held opinion about what insurance companies want:
~ Your premiums but not your claims
~ You not to file lawsuits against them that are valid
~ Voters to think they constantly fight bogus lawsuits
~ Everyone to hate lawyers so they never hire one to get justice
~ People to feel guilty for making legitimate claims
~ You to have guilt so you tell your attorney "I'm not the kind of person who files a lawsuit"
~ Jurors to think a person who files a lawsuit is a sham or dishonest
~ Juries minds made up before evidence is heard
~ Your legal rights minimized or removed
~ Their legal rights maximized and preserved
~ Wrongdoing on their part to go unchecked
~ People to feel juries give money away in a lottery jackpot justice system
~ Verdicts for damages to be far less then what is fair
~ Caps on damages to minimize how much justice a person can get
~ And judges who will avoid holding them accountable
Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney
Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2007
Wisconsin Registered Sexual Offenders
Wisconsin Sex Offenders, Court & Corporate records were a prior topic, but here's a neat website for viewing maps of registered offenders, seeing their photos, addresses and convictions.

Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer
Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer
Rabu, 01 Agustus 2007
Independent Medical Examinations revisited
So after just posting on ratemds.com, I reviewed my other posts with the label "medical examinations." One was on Verity Medical, which has now removed the calendar of all the doctors whose opinions are bought by insurance companies and their defense lawyers.
I did find something interesting on its refer a case page and that's a Printable Request for Service Form - Liability/No-Fault/Personal Injury. From that form, it appears that the insurer's adjuster or defense attorney can guide the expert physician towards what they would like said. Here are the "specific issues" bullet points:
By the way, I don't mean to pick on Verity Medical, there are many companies like this in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney
I did find something interesting on its refer a case page and that's a Printable Request for Service Form - Liability/No-Fault/Personal Injury. From that form, it appears that the insurer's adjuster or defense attorney can guide the expert physician towards what they would like said. Here are the "specific issues" bullet points:
"1. Diagnosis: Please give your impression of the injury or condition claimed as a result of the accident in question. Have the correct diagnoses been made and are they supported by the objective findings?
2. Causation: Are the above-described diagnoses medically causally related to the accident or injury in question?
3. Other Conditions: Please note any pre-existing injuries or conditions. Are any of these affecting the claimant’s recovery from the injuries or conditions alleged as a result of the accident or injury in question?
4. Apportionment: If the accident in question is only partially contributing to the current condition, please indicate and apportion the current condition between this accident and other conditions or events.
5. Past Treatment: Has treatment to date been reasonable and necessary as it relates to
the accident or injury in question?
6. Future Treatment: Is future medical treatment necessary as a result of the accident or injury in question? If yes, please specify the type, frequency, and duration of the suggested
treatment(s) along with your prognosis.
7. Healing Period: Has the claimant reached an end of healing, maximum medical improvement, or pre-injury status as it relates to the accident or injury in question? If yes, please indicate
the date it was reached. If no, please indicate when it can be anticipated.
8. Work Restrictions: Is the claimant capable of working? Please describe temporary or permanent work restrictions, if any, necessary as a result of the accident or injury in question.
9. Daily Living Activities: Is the claimant capable of performing activities of daily living? Please describe the limitations, if any, that exist as a result of the accident or injury in question.
10. Permanence of Injury: Has the accident or injury resulted in any permanent impairment? If yes, please provide your opinion as to the nature and extent of this impairment and rationale to support your opinion."
By the way, I don't mean to pick on Verity Medical, there are many companies like this in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney
Wisconsin Doctor Ratings at RateMDs.com
Wisconsin Doctor Ratings at RateMDs.com can assist you in learning others' opinions about Wisconsin doctors. Keep in mind though that those are just random opinions.
Wisconsin Medical Malpractice Attorney
Wisconsin Medical Malpractice Attorney
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