Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

Courts Have Inherent Jurisdiction to Order Assessments by Non-Health Practitioners

We previously posted on the Divisional Court's decision in Ziebenhaus v.Bahlieda (click here for our original post).  In that case, the Divisional Court held that courts have inherent jurisdiction to order a party to undergo an assessment by someone who is not a "health practitioner".  In Ziebenhaus, the particular assessor was a vocational assessor.

The Court of Appeal has now confirmed the Divisional Court's decision at 2015 ONCA 471 (C.A.).
It held:

[13]      The language of s. 105 and Rule 33 does not constitute such clear and precise language. The language of these provisions is permissive, and they do not state that a court cannot order an examination by someone who is not a “health practitioner”. Moreover, the conclusion that a superior court judge has the inherent jurisdiction to order such an examination does not conflict with the relief available under s. 105, nor should it be seen as extending the reach of that section. Inherent jurisdiction should be exercised only sparingly and in clear cases, when the moving party demonstrates that it is necessary to ensure justice and fairness.

Ziebenhaus may make it easier to obtain orders compelling plaintiffs to attend independent medical examinations with non-medical practitioners; however, it will still be important to have good supporting materials to show the assessments are necessary to ensure justice and fairness.

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